IT Service
With our experience we can help you to realise complex and ambitious projects. The basis for these knowledge results from continuous advanced training and team spirit So it is easy to discuss complex solutions in a small team.
We offer the following services:
- Help Desk / First-Level-Support
- Security Audit
- IT Projects
- IT Advertisement
- IT project acceptance
- IT quality assurance (after ISO 9001:2000)
- IT basis service (Hard- & Software)

Software development
We offer support for all kind of software products.
We customize already existing software for your personal needs. We write simple makros or complex work suites for professional needs.

Data migration
In data migration from older computer systems we have a foundet experience.
So we can take over customer data, adresses and article data to nearly all current systems.

IT Security
The security of your IT is now more important than ever.
Today, break-ins by professional hackers have only one purpose:
To cause massive damage to the affected company and to maximize its own profit.
Until a few years ago, only the TOP 500 companies were mainly the target of these attacks. However, the focus has currently shifted to small and medium-sized companies, as these companies usually do not have their own IT security department.
Among others, we are partners of renowned security manufacturers:
Cisco, Sophos, Zyxel, SonicWall and TrendMicro
We are happy to support you in optimizing your IT security.